Flooring and furniture solutions designed to enhance comfort, support efficient workflows, and create healing environments

I. Flooring Solutions:


In healthcare environments, cleanliness is important. Urban Connect offers flooring solutions containing materials that are easy to clean, resistant to stains, and capable of withstanding rigorous cleaning protocols.


The flooring for hospitals and clinics has sound-absorbing materials, reducing noise levels, and creating a calm atmosphere conducive to healing.

Our flooring solutions provide a balance of resilience and softness, ensuring a comfortable and supportive surface for patients, staff, and visitors.


II. Furniture Solutions:


Urban Connect’s furniture for healthcare facilities includes practical desks, chairs, and storage solutions, supporting efficient workflows and providing comfort during long shifts.


Comfortable and durable seating options, along with aesthetically pleasing tables and accessories, create welcoming environments for patients and their families.


Urban Connect’s flooring and furniture solutions for the healthcare sector reflect our dedication to holistic well-being. 


By combining functionality, hygiene, and thoughtful design, we contribute to the creation of healing environments that prioritize patient comfort and support the demanding needs of healthcare professionals. 

Vinyl flooring Homogeneous
Vinyl sheet flooring, hospital-room-flooring